- Reference NumberARC-0184
- Level of descriptioncollection
- TitleNeil Young DVD
- Date1990
- Size0.07 (Linear feet)
- Scope and ContentsThe Neil Young DVD contains footage of Neil Young giving a tour of the barn where he recorded "Ragged Glory."
- Biography / Administrative HistoryNeil Young is one of rock and roll's greatest songwriters and performers. In a career that extends back to mid-1960s roots as a coffeehouse folkie in his native Canada, this principled and unpredictable maverick has pursued an often winding course across the rock and roll landscape. He's been a cult hero, a chart-topping rock star, and all things in-between, remaining true to his restless muse all the while. At various times, Young has delved into folk, country, garage-rock and grunge. His biggest album, Harvest (1972), apotheosized the laid-back singer/songwriter genre he helped invent. By contrast, Rust Never Sleeps (1979), Young's second-best seller, was a loud, brawling masterpiece the title track of which, an homage to Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, contained the oft-quoted line, "Better to burn out than it is to rust." Over the years, Young has made his mark as an incorrigible artist with a distinctive, unvarnished style on electric guitar. He has consistently demonstrated the unbridled passion of an artist who understands that self-renewal is the only way to avoid burning out. For this reason, he has remained one of the most significant artists of the rock and roll era.
- NotesAcquisition Note: The Neil Young DVD was received by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, Inc. as a gift from John Koury on July 10, 2009.
Language Note: English
Citation: [Identification of Item], Neil Young DVD, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
Processing Information: Processed by Rachel Somerville, Project Archivist. Completed October 27, 2011. Descriptive sources and standards used to create this inventory: DACS and local processing manual. - AccessCollection is open for research. Patrons must sign the Acknowledgment of Legal Responsibilities and Privacy Rights statement on the Researcher Registration form before using this collection. Consult the Library and Archives in advance of your visit to ensure access to these materials is available.
- UseThe copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. For more information, please consult the staff of the Library and Archives.
- Associated Persons
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