The Herb Staehr Collection spans the years circa 1950 to 2007, with the bulk of the material dating between 1968 and 2007. It comprises 138 linear feet of material mainly related to Alvin Lee, Ten Years After, and Eric Clapton, but also to a variety of artists active during the mid-1960s to mid-2000s. Staehr, author of <title render="italic">Alvin Lee & Ten Years After: Visual History</title>, was the preeminent collector of Alvin Lee and Ten Years After memorabilia. The bulk of the collection consists of bootleg concert recordings, with some papers, scrapbooks, and photographic material. The collection is divided into seven series: papers, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, negatives, concert recordings, and contact sheets. The collection will be valuable to researchers interested in the history of Ten Years After, English blues-rock, and Woodstock, as well to those looking for images of Eric Clapton or Alvin Lee, and viewing or listening to performances that have not been commercially released.
Biography / Administrative History
Herb Staehr was a collector of photographs and memorabilia related to the English blues-rock band Ten Years After, who performed at Woodstock in 1969. He was the author of <title render="italic">Alvin Lee and Ten Years After: A Visual History</title>, regarded as the definitive work on the band.
1949: Herb Staehr born in Hartford, Connecticut.
1969: Attends the Woodstock Festival, where he first hears Ten Years After.
2001: Publishes <title render="italic">Alvin Lee and Ten Years After: A Visual History</title>.
2008: Dies of cancer.
Acquisition Note: The Herb Staehr Collection was received by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. as a gift from Thomas W. and Claudia Staehr on December 8, 2008.
Processing Information: Processed by Christine Borne, Project Archivist, and James A. Kohler, Project Archivist. Completed July 27, 2012. Revised by Dianna Ford, Audiovisual Archivist, and Jon Macomber, Volunteer. Last updated December 6, 2018. Descriptive sources and standards used to create this inventory: DACS and local processing manual.
Separated Materials: Commercially released CDs, videocassettes, and audiocassettes have been transferred to the library collection. Please search for the "Herb Staehr Collection" in the library catalog for a list of donated titles. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, consult the Library and Archives staff to ensure these materials are available.
Language Note: Collection is primarily in English; materials in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Danish, Japanese, and Swedish can be found in clippings in Series I and Series II and in video from Series VI. Languages other than English are noted at the Subseries and item level.
Citation: [Identification of Item], Herb Staehr Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
Collection is open for research. Patrons must sign the Acknowledgment of Legal Responsibility and Privacy Rights statement on the Researcher Registration form before using this collection. The condition of some of these materials has not yet been determined for playback purposes. Some of the audiovisual materials in the collection are on defunct media formats and, therefore, are RESTRICTED. Access copies of these materials may have to be created prior to use. Consult the Library and Archives staff in advance of your visit to ensure access to these materials is available.
The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. For more information, please consult the staff of the Library and Archives.