Reference Number
Level of description
Melissa Etheridge "Refugee" Video Storyboard
0.07 (Linear feet)
Documents (analog)
Container: Folder: 368
Scope and Contents
The Melissa Etheridge "Refugee" Video Storyboard is a 16-page, letter-size, black-and-white music video storyboard for the song "Refugee." The material provides a glimpse into music video direction and production, as well as insight into behind-the-scenes activities. Digital copies of the material are also available.
Biography / Administrative History
Melissa Etheridge is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist and activist.
Existence and Location of Copies
Preservation digitization of storyboard was completed on December 3, 2016. Digital copies in TIFF format, 600ppi, are available upon advanced request (Digishare:\).
Acquisition Note: The Melissa Etheridge "Refugee" Video Storyboard was received by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc., as a gift from Lori Moore on December 3, 2016. This acquisition was made during a Scan Day event, funded by a Common Heritage grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Citation: [Identification of item], Melissa Etheridge "Refugee" Video Storyboard, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
Language Note: Materials are in English
Processing Information: Processed by Justin Seidler, Image Archivist. Completed on January 20, 2021. Descriptive sources and standards used to create this inventory: DACS and the local processing manual. Collection processed through an Access to Historical Records grant from the NHPRC.
Collection is open for research. Patrons must sign the Acknowledgment of Legal Responsibilities and Privacy Rights statement on the Researcher Registration form before using this collection. Consult the Library and Archives in advance of your visit to ensure access to these materials is available.
The copyright interests in the collection have not been transferred to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. For more information, consult the staff of the Library and Archives.
Associated Persons
Associated Subjects
Library and Archives/2/Archives Storage/Rotary File Cabinet 3